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Coileáiníní Akitainu na Seapáine

Gheobhaidh tú anseo na cúplála atá beartaithe againn chomh maith leis na coileáiníní atá ar fáil. Déanaimid ár ndícheall pórú ach amháin nuair a bhraitheann muid go gcuirfidh an phéireáil go dearfach leis an bpór ina iomláine. Déantar ár gcuid pórúcháin uile a phleanáil go cúramach agus dírímid ar shláinte, ar thógáil agus ar mheon foriomlán ár Akitainu Seapánach go léir.

Téigh i dteagmháil linn le haghaidh aon fhiosrúcháin agus beidh áthas orainn cabhrú leat. Tá baint ghníomhach againn le pobal Akitainu na Seapáine i Meiriceá Thuaidh agus ar fud an domhain agus mar sin beimid sásta póraitheoirí measúla a mholadh mura mbeidh coileáiníní ar fáil ag Yakumo Sou tráth do fhiosrúcháin.


Sean & Katie (Hashibira) - 2023
New York

"When you meet Kevin and his Akitas at Yakumo Sou, you understand why his breeding program is so highly regarded by the Japanese Akita Inu community. Kevin is breeding with respect for the history of the breed and a vision for the breed's future. While it's easy to see the physical beauty of Yakuma Sou's dogs and puppies in photos, it's when you meet them in person, that you understand fully, that these are very special dogs indeed. Aside from being excellent representatives of the "breed standard", they are imbued with a spirit and heart that is rarely seen in Japanese Akitas in the U.S. We couldn't be happier than to have been matched with Hashibira Go Yakuma Sou and to be part of the Yakuma Sou family."


Casey (Nova) - 2022

“After searching months for the best Japanese Akita breeder, we were referred to Kevin and my goodness were we ever fortunate. Since our perfect puppy joined our family, Kevin has been super helpful and a great and friendly resource ensuring her well-being. We continue to seek his knowledge and wisdom should we ever have any questions. His communication and genuine care is beyond amazing. You can easily recognize Kevin has the upmost respect for this breed as it reflects in all aspect of our loving puppy. We are proud to be part of the growing Yakumo Sou family!”


Sudeep & Family (Gemma) - 2022
New York

"Kevin was wonderful to work with to find our family the perfect Japanese Akita puppy, our beloved Gemma. He was extremely professional and transparent throughout the entire process, and his dedication to the breed and deep knowledge and experience in working with Japanese Akitas shines through in everything he does. He's incredibly responsive and has continued to be a valuable resource and friend on our puppy journey. We are so thankful to have found Kevin and our dog Gemma!"


Michael & Beth (Doshin) - 2023

"My partner and I lost an Akita to old age two years ago, after living a very happy thirteen years hiking and exploring the Northeast with us. After some time passed and we were done grieving, we began searching for a reputable breeder to add another Japanese Akita to the family. We live a very active lifestyle, with miles and miles of hiking every single year and even a home in the hills further north of where we live. It was extremely important to us that any dog we added to our little family was healthy as could be, and with a history of good temperament in their family tree so they could share as many experiences with us as possible. We ended up finding Kevin and Yakumo Sou after some research, and it's now been nearing six months since we brought our extremely clever boy Orson home. He was already a very intelligent little guy when we first met him, and it was by far the easiest and most rewarding experience I've had raising a dog yet as he made himself at home almost immediately. Kevin was absolutely fantastic to deal with the entire process, from first contacting him all the way up to now, in which he's still a readily available resource if I ever have any questions. And as someone who'd already raised an Akita and saw him through his entire life, the one thing of note that really stuck out to me about my interactions was how important it was to Kevin who his dogs went home with. He's well aware of how intelligent the breed is and the fulfillment they need, which for me having had one already was by far what put him ahead of any other breeders I was considering. I would absolutely recommend Yakumo Sou if you're consider adding a Japanese Akita to the family. I absolutely would again in the future if I found myself in that position again."


Amy & James (Kagami) - 2023

"We highly recommend Yakumo Sou and Kevin to anyone interested in the Akitainu breed! Kevin is extremely knowledgeable of, and truly loves, the breed. He has been amazing to work with and we can't thank him enough for entrusting us with one of his puppies. Our girl has a wonderful temperament, epitomizes the breed standard, and is beloved by all who meet her. Thank you again, Kevin!"


Nick & Shayna (Hoshizora) - 2023
New Jersey

"Japanese Akitas are an exceptional breed and Kevin, the owner of Yakumo Sou is an exceptional breeder! If you are looking for a dog to be a life companion and a true member of your family you will find that in a Japanese Akita. Our girl is only 5 months but she is fiercely intelligent and loving. We give her the time and attention her breed needs and she pays it off in spades! This is a testimony to Kevin who pain stakingly breeds his puppies to have the great temperament our girl displays everyday. This is a new breed in the US so its important to get one from a great breeder who cares about the future of these puppies and breed. If you're looking for an accessory dog, spur of the moment gift or are not able/willing to put time and effort into care and training move along, these dogs are not the one you're looking for nor is this breeder. Kevin makes sure each puppy will truly be cared for and has been in constant contact with us whenever we needed help in understanding our puppy before and even after bringing her home. If you're searching for a great, ethical and high quality breeder as well as dog then this is the place for you!"


Felix & Family (Ryoshi) - 2022

“Kevin’s passionate commitment to the preservation of the Japanese Akita is evident. He takes a conscious effort to choose his breeding pair that would bring out the best qualities in the next generation of Akitas. As the Japanese Akita is an ancient dog breed with unique characteristics, he tries his best to ensure his puppies are raised in a family that understands this particular breed and are committed to a lifelong relationship”


Wendy & Colin (Kotetsu) - 2022

"April 20th 2021, I found Yakumo Sou Japanese Akita USA, and that embarked on the journey of owning my very first Akita puppy—Kotetsu. I grew up playing with and admiring other people’s Akitas. 20 something years later and 7000 miles away from home, my dream came true, thanks to Kevin. The process started with filling out questionnaires, learning about his breeding program and more knowledge about Akita Inus. This process was extremely helpful, reassuring, and informative; by the time I was put on a waitlist as a potential pet owner, I felt more confident and determined about becoming a forever pet parent. Every step of the adoption process was informed clearly, prepared patiently, and handled professionally. With his help, my passion and dream were grounded and achieved through responsibility and knowledge. That’s when I know for sure that I found the perfect breeder who later became a good friend in my life. Not only has he been thorough with educating me about how to mentally and physically prepare to be a good pet owner, he demonstrated his passion and vision to promote this beautiful breed globally by connecting and including more people who share that same dedication and interest into this community. When I welcomed baby Kotetsu home, I became a part of the Japanese Akita community and a lifelong commitment to help preserve and develop their bloodlines. I’ve had Kotetsu for 15 months. Every advice that Kevin gave me was proven to be effective. He is not the type of breeder who just delivers his puppies. He is their fairy godfather who watches over them by providing ongoing advice, checking on their developmental milestones, laughing at funny stories about your puppies, and planning on visiting them. What makes Yakumo Sou so special is their beautiful approach that balances dog handling in western and eastern cultures harmoniously. Like he said “she is an adult carnivore that I have brought into my human world”. The respect I learned to establish in my companionship with Kotetsu enriched and evolved our connection to a more profound level that exceeded my expectation in every possible way. Like Hachi, he became my most loyal, supportive, and respectful friend. And I couldn’t have done that without Kevin’s help. I hope more people know about Kevin and his breeding program so you can be part of this incredible journey as well."


Brian & Family (Kumadesu) - 2023
New York

"Kuma is the perfect addition to our family. He's intelligent and loving, with a megawatt puppy smile that lights up the room. He's great with our children and his good nature is even winning over our cats. Kuma loves to walk the neighborhood meeting new friends, but he's really in his element hiking or camping when his confidence and athleticism really shines. Overall, we're very pleased by our experience with Yakumo Sou. Kevin is a knowledgeable and dedicated breeder and it is thanks to his passion for the breed, we're able to welcome into our home such an exceptional Akita Inu."

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